Ok so a few posts (probably 12 or so) ago I ranted about, among other things how Big B flunked his pre-school screening. You can read the details if you like, but long story short, the tests are for 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 year olds and (Ok so who cares if I use his real name!) Bud just turned 3 in August. He got a 10 and if a 3 and a half year old got a 12 they would retest. So one tester lady said eh, no biggie he is still a little guy, and the other woman said no he needs to be retested.....she threw words like learning disabilities, special services, and even autism around, very casually. I am sorry but I don't take these things casually. I have been around a variety of children in my 31 years, and in fact one of my first kids ( you know I took care of these twins since they were teeny tiny and now they are 16) were twin preemies who had a very rough start, the girl has no real lasting affects but the boy has autism, mild cp, as well as a mirad of other disabilities. I love love love love love these kids. I tool care of them like they were mine. This all leads to the fact, that I truly hope that if my child had a disability such as one of those, I would be able to recognize it. I studied autism in college for a few papers because "my kid" intirigued me sooo much and in fact I was part of the pushing factor for tracing his autism to aspergers syndrome. You have never met a more loving, SUPER SUPER intelligent in your life, but socially inept with kids his age. Adults? No problem. ANYHOW these screeners as well as some other people around me throw these words around like they are nothing............while I know they are not life ending, I certainly think they are something. And I never considered for once that he may have any of these things. BUT when you are sent for more testing, it does (or so I realized when I burst into tears after the finish of the testing) eat at you, and cause some doubt. So Thursday we went to the testing center and we spent an hour playing...........Buddy did awesome!! The ladies said they stopped when he reached the 4 to the 4 1/2 age level, even though he was still going strong. He did fine across the board. The one thing the speech lady did see was that he has a slight problem with s's, z's and sch sounds. She had him stick his tongue out..........he couldn't.......she said you know what? Has anyone ever told you he is tongue tied? to which I replied, HUH? His tongue is attached to his bottom jaw all the way to the very tip.........she says she is sending us some fun excercises and silly sounds to se if we can improve through that. She says he physically may not be able to make those sounds. and we may have to have that thing clipped a bit which she assures me is no big thing. But she couldn't believe what people were putting us through, and said I want to see you in 6 months JUST to review his speech.........just for those sounds, at which point I suspect I may recommend he get clipped, but I never want to see you in this office for a rescreening ever again. Your son is an extrememly bright exceptional child. Meanwhile he had charmed the other lady into helping him make his choo choo......he had her attach two pop up tunnels and then had taken disks that had one hole in them and threaded them onto a "noodle" and put them under the tunnels..........they had never had a child do that before, much less con them into "helping" He looked at the woman and said pwease pick up the choo choo, so I can stick these under? You can never fully realize how relieved I was, it wasn't until it was all over that I realized how worried I was.
Huh.......imagine that Bud is exceptional. Tell me something I didn't know people!!! I love my kids!
I so glad for you that you studied autism earlier in your career. I'm sure that you and I can both imagine what an impact 'those' words would have on someone without that knowledge.
Best wishes
Way to go, Buddy! What a relief!! I am not a bit surprised that he is exceptional!
This is wonderful, Cuz! Good job, Bud! *SUPERY-DUPERY-HUGS* to you both!
I think it's amazing, the stuff kids come up with....
Very glad you got some good news!!!
That is such good news, but think of all of the needless worry those women put you through!!! That kind of stuff makes me furious. As if you needed someone else to tell you how intelligent your precious boy is. I am so happy for you and your handsome boy (with and without curls)! Congratulations!
[[[Hugs]]] to you all!
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