Thursday, October 26, 2006

Knitting?? What is that?

Ok so I did not get much knitting done today BUT (!!!!) I did bake a bit! I baked an apple coffee cake (which I was not impressed with) for the Community Center. Hopefully it will sell, it came out rather dry, and was not the recipe I was thinking it was. Needless to say it is no longer in my recipe box. I can not stand dry cakes of any kind. I will go back to my tried and true sour cream coffee cake recipe. That was this morning, then this evening I made a (pardon my horrible French, the magazine is downstairs and I am upstairs so I am going to take a stab at it!) Le Beta Noir which translated means The Black Beast. It is this flourless chocolate cake, with a chocolate Ganache on top....looks to die for but again am only mildly impressed with the results! Water got into the springform so I had to stick paper towels on to the top to suck it off of it, even though I followed the directions to a T. The Ganache covers the fugliness of the cake but nonetheless we will see what it tastes like tomorrow. Dear hubby thinks it looks delectable.......he asked what Ganache was!! I told him it was the choclate coating that was on the top of his favorite Dove ice ceam and his mouth immediately started watering!

This is my cousin L. who got married recently. Isn't she beautiful? Good grief it seems like yesterday I was babysitting her as a 3 year old, whoa did we ever butt heads back then......nonetheless we wish she and C. nothing but the very best! Many years of happiness!

Miss Thang in the red dress is my cousin also! L's littlest sister A. We like to call her APPB at my house. If you ever see her ask her what it stands for and you will be able to match her to a fire truck within seconds!!!! She is an absolute doll. Love her to death and in fact she is my next knitting victim!!! I want to knit her the cover sweater from BGK, to accomodate her beautiful B's!!! Hey A. If you read this I love you Hun!!!

This is baby B. This pic taken today. Good grief ain't he just cute! I want to knit him a little cabled skull sweater and knit Big B, and Hubby matching ones. Just founf the pattern on today and loved it, also like the mittens and hat but I have never done any color work. Quite frankly it scares the bejeezus out of me. You can give me the most intricate lace work or cables to beat the band and I love em', but toss me a multi colored pattern and I run the other way with my knitting needles flailing!!!!

Someday I will learn to turn the photos before I post them but for now you all will eaither have to turn your screens or tilt your heads!! This is big B taken today. Hubby asked him to smile and this is wht he got. I guess he had a big grin but by the time the pic snapped this is the goofy look we got!! He is such a ham!!!!

Pardon the initials I am a wee bit leary of having strangers know my childrens names as well as the names of my unsuspecting family!!!

I hope to get through my last skein of peace fleece so that I can guiltlessly start something else. I am one of those odd balls that like to finish one before I start another, BUT if I run out of yarn well that is a whole nother story!!!!!!

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